Monday, 17 June 2013

think out of the box

we have all head bout thinking outside the box; but what does it really mean to "THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX?"

looking at the nature of a box, it has well defined boundaries and at times used to put things inside, when something is in a box, its mobility and movement is restricted by the boundaries of the box in which it is placed, that my friends is the same with our thought patterns.

as we were growing up we had specific box like boundaries placed upon us and our thoughts are limited to that box that we had as we grew up. the boundaries might be our environment or geographic location, the stereotypes that we heard, they might be our race or our nationality and even the education we recieved.
we were told what we could and could not do, i remember being told to "go to school; do my A levels; go to university, get a degree , get a job and work until i retire; and that my friend was the boundaries i had in regards to my future, so my thoughts were of studying getting a job, of which maybe one i didnt like at all make money and retire then die... quite a meaningless exisstance if you ask me..

when it came to what i was passionate about , well being a young black man no one really believed in my gifting let alone nurture it so i was basically confined to my box of thought.

it took someone saying to me, "You can do anything you want to do and be successful, follow your dreams and money will follow" and well thats what i started doing, and trust me i am not disapointed...

thinking out side the box is all about breaking past the boundaries of what we have been told to be true and exploring our own passions, taking time to look at the extra ordinary, taking time to to explore the world out there. do not just accept every train of thought but explore your curiosities and satisfy them, curiosity did not kill the cat, what did was poor planning.
be like Christopher Columbus who said if the world is flat, i will not come back, what if it isnt flat?

he went out to see if the world was really flat while most of the people were content with the boxed in mentality they had..

take a little time each day and ask yourself; what have i believed in each day that might not be true, and go out there and seek the truth for yourself.
kill the stereotypes, the thought pattrns and me disorderly in your thinking for a while. yes you are an accountant but you have a creative ability, you are a medical doctor but what about the book you always wanted to write?; i am a web designer but hey i am writting too, it doesnt matter who or what you are we all have a box that we have to think out of, discover that box and step out of it...esp us africans..

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